A tunnel gateway to universal life matrix dispositon camps & mentexodus backup connections

TWO DUPLICABLE WAYS OF LIFE: There exist 2 celestial spheares, in parallel and opposite directions, of metahabitual duplicating spirals (metacultures) that distinquish 2 levels of spirituallity, mentality, humanity maturity - (1). Bimetapolarity duplication -- limited celestial sphere or lower Way of Death, trapping life in upleft > downward loopings. (2). Trimetapolarity duplication -- unlimited celestial sphere or upper (mentexodus) Way of Living, freeing life ballooning exponentially in all areas (for updatable lives).
Sonya House shares extra values of its existence to unimited numbers of visitors from every corner of the planet. It functions on mission to help travelers trespass dark age's tourist industry to light age's UPOL-sharing co-innovation & Backup Mentoring Industry.

Sonya House and its franchisees host mentexodus seekers on a gateway to Olympus, Himalayan, Sinai, Fuji, Nangnim (cooled head living) Mentexodus Backup tunnel diodes connections of trimetapolarity living pratitioners.
OLD GOOD DAYS COME BACK: Many people looking for the way out of spiritual, mental, physical, social, financial ailing. But, not many search to relearn to live interactively, interdependently with and among people practice trimetapolarity living on upright whirling, sutaining upper celestial sphere (upper plane) of spirituality, mentality, humanity maturity who live generating > radiating > circulating greater values to life - growing transcendentally together beyond shamanic, academic, plutocratic mediocrity gridlocks.

The ears that listen to life-giving reproof are among the society of wise people. ~ Solomon



"God! Modern dispenser is made oasis for travelers".
~ Eva Schrister/ Germany

Always providing free drinking water for pass-by travelers at his house's gateway, Sonya's grandfather (on Dad side) said, "Air, land, sun light, shades, water, humanity belong to God, not for trading, but for sharing and caring".

This nice habitual thinking is even more relevant now -- when almost everywhere, 'nam jai (heart water)' runs dried -- seemingly and metaphorically, we live backdated thousands of years -- when water sources are all occupied -- travelers have to buy water everywhere like traveling in the desert.

Walk-by travelers can drop in for free drinking water and sit relaxing without having to buy anything.

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